Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

insects. on their bar

3.05 pm on my watch. Friday, 8th June.

had just finished my latelunch. those fruits and veggies on that white styrofoam plate. now i had lost my curiosity. about comminup to Paprs. to buy their salad menu.
lil conclusion abt salad on Paprs Bogor is, the vegetables & fruits that deserved on the bar, really really looks not so gorgeous. i mean, i lost my hungry mood by lookin on its bar. lil insects also flies around the boiled carrot.
uh oh. i wanted to go back home, but there were just me.. i mean it's really embarassing. so i pick some fruits n veggies then pay them. it would be my first time also be my last for eat their salad. :)

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